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Filling - Bonding - Repairing
Which type of bonding system is suitable for exterior stone bonding applications?
AKEPOX Adhesive of AKEPOX 2000 line and AKEPOX 5000 line as well as our elastic 1-K MS Adhesive Sealant
Which type of bonding system is suitable for interior stone bonding applications?
Generally all adhesives based on unsaturated polyester resins (such as Marble Filler, Stone and Marble Adhesive MS 76) and adhesives based on epoxy resins (all AKEPOX products), as well as our elastic 1-K MS Adhesive Sealant.
Which type of bonding system is suitable for metal-stone-bonding?
UP-resin adhesive MS 76 (indoors) and epoxy-adhesive AKEPOX 3015 (indoors), AKEPOX 2020, AKEPOX 2030, AKEPOX 2040 and 1-K Adhesive Sealant (outdoors).
Up to which temperature remain the adhesives applicable?
Marble Fillers, Stone and Marble Adhesive MS 76, AKEPOX 2000 and AKEPOX 5000 products can be applied when exposed to higher mechanical stress up to 60 – 70°C, to lower mechanical stress up to 100 – 110°C.
How can AKEMI fillers and adhesives be adapted to the stone colour?
Marble Fillers can be dyed with our colouring past es or colouring tint liquid for Marble Fillers, AKEPOX products with our colouring past es or colouring tint liquid for AKEPOX-Products. Unsuitable are dyes containing solvents or softener as well as colour concentrates for emulsion paints
Can AKEPOX Products be diluted?
Dilution as such is not possible, please contact the producer.
Can filling material or granulates be added to our adhesives or stone fillers?
Yes, in case of Marble Fillers before the addition of hardener, in case of AKEPOX during the mixing process of the components A and B.
How do the surfaces have to be prepared for bonding and filling?
In general, they have to be rough, clean and dry. In case of AKEPOX 2000 line and AKEPOX 5000 line the surface may be slightly damp. Especially dust or sludge films are reducing the adhesion of bonding considerably.
How can bonding with MS 76, Marble Fillers and AKEPOX-Products be removed?
Generally not with solvents, because all of them are chemically cross-linking products. Removable at higher temperatures (> 200 °C) or mechanically.
How many linear meters can be done with one cartridge of AKEPOX 4050 ANTI- SLIP MIX?
At a layer thickness of 1 mm (corresponds to level of AKEMI adhesive tape) and width of 1 cm you are able to do approx. 38 linear meters, width of 2 cm approx. 19 m.
How important is keeping the mixing ratio of the AKEPOX products and what may happen, if the components aren’t mixed properly?
The more the optimal mixing ration is incorrect the more the mechanical properties worsen, as well as the resistance of AKEPOX adhesive. Depending on the degree of mixing the adhesive will not strengthen correctly or not at all. In connection with natural stone a strong darkening of the stone may result, caused by penetration of non-reacting adhesive in the pore-system. Furthermore, a breakdown of the adhesive bonding might occur.
How can slight residues of cured adhesive be removed from surfaces?
With AKEMI Epoxy Remover.
Where can I find an overview of AKEMI adhesives and fillers?
See the Technical Product Information Adhesives and Fillers.
How can AKEMI Adhesives and Filler be polished?
Using the standard polishing products of the stone industry, respectively especially with AKEMI Liqui Polish.
Which products are suitable for bonding clear or white stone?
Marble Filler 1000 Transparent Waterclear and products of our AKEPOX 5000- line. For more information see our Technical Data Sheets.
Which products are recommended for reinforcement / anchoring in walls?
Injection Mortar BF 200 UP and BF 210 VE.
Is it possible to interblend AKEMI Marble Fillers?
Yes, but only Marble-Fillers 1000 Transparent, 1000 Universal, 1000 Thixo and 1000 S - products.
Is it possible to remove stains of single components of adhesive (AKEPOX or Marble Filler) from natural stone or engineered stone?
No, generally not.
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Which products are best suited for strengthening fissures and porous stones?
Mainly the products of AKEPOPX 1000 -line, preferred AKEPOPX 1005. For further information please see our Technical Data Sheet.
Where can I find an overview of strengthening products?
Please see Technical Product Information.
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Where can I find cleaning recommendations for different stains on natural stone or Engineered Stone?
In the AKEMI Stain Guide.
Which cleaning products can be used safely on all stone surfaces or which cleaning products are suitable for marble?
AKEMI Stone Cleaner, AKEMI Crystal Clean, AKEMI Mild Stone Soap.
Which cleaning agent can at first be used if the source of the stain is unknown?
AKEMI Stone Cleaner.
Is it possible to treat polished marble surfaces with Akemi Anti Slide R9?
No, because the surface will be too strongly and irregularly etched.
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Impregnation - Protection - Care
Which impregnation is suitable for highly absorbent natural stone outdoors?
RAPID Impregnator - Protective effect already after approx. 15 minutes.
Stains on light-coloured quartzite: What to do?
Please read the full article on this subject here >>
Silicone joints or impregnation: What first?
Please read the full article on this subject here >>
What is the difference between impregnating and sealing?
The impregnation penetrates the pore system of the natural stone, without forming a surface layer; the natural stone remains breathable. In principle, the sealing is film-forming and therefore closes the pore-system at the surface of the natural stone.
Which preconditions must be met for the application of stone impregnation or Sealing?
The surface has to be clean and dry.
How can you determine, whether a stone surface is dry?
At first no stains of moisture should be visually detected. Put a plastic film of 0,5 to 1 m² tightly on the stone surface and fix it. After approx.10 to 12 hours remove the plastic film. The surface previously covered shouldn’t appear darker than the remaining area.
How should the impregnation be applied?
Application on smaller areas by paintbrush or cloth, bigger areas by paint roller.
For how long should the impregnation be left to act on the stone?
If the stone hasn’t completely absorbed the impregnation, any excess must be removed (e.g. an absorbent cloth) prior to the final drying.
Can the impregnation be removed by solvent or cleaning product?
Partially possible when still fresh; depending on the impregnation after a few minutes up to two hours with cleaner I or universal dilution.
Can a stained stone surface be optically equalized by application of impregnation?
No, not at all. Mostly this will result in an enhancement of the stains.
Can a 100% - protection be obtained with the application of impregnation?
No, it cannot. The effect of protection is depending on the type of surface and structure of the stone, or for how long the staining substance stressed on the stone surface. For aggressive liquids (acidic liquids), there is hardly any protective effect for limestone and marble.
Which impregnation achieves the best stain protection?
Stain Repellent Nano-Effect with almost no colour enhancement Stain Repellent Super with colour enhancement.
Do cement joints or silicone joints have to be accomplished prior or after the application of impregnation?
The cement joint has to be done prior to the application of impregnation, the silicone joint (AKEMI Silicone) after the impregnation; surplus of universal smoothing agent must be removed quickly.
How can stone slabs be protected against dirt during the laying?
Through pre-impregnation with AKEMI Stain Repellent W (dilute1 part of Stain Repellent W with up to 2 parts of water) or cover with AKEMI Protective Sheeting.
Do freshly impregnated surfaces have to be protected against humidity?
Yes! Approximately 24 hours until a sufficient hardening has taken place.
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Can all sealing products promptly be used for natural stone?
No, because most of the sealers contain softeners which may penetrate into the pore system of the natural stone even after hardening of the sealer. This phenomenon will cause the typical marginal zone staining at the joint edges.
Which sealing product is especially suitable for natural stone?
AKEMI Marble Silicone; this sealant doesn’t contain any softeners and completely eliminates the danger of marginal zone staining.
How many linear meters can be done with one cartridge of sealant?
With a gap of 8 x 5 mm approx. 8 – 10 linear meters.
Can a Silicone Sealant be painted?
No, they can’t.
Which of the elastic sealants can be painted?
Acrylic Sealant, MS Hybrid Polymer and MS Adhesive Sealant.
Does a heat-proofed silicon exist?
Yes, AKEMI Chemical Silicone.
Which of the sealants is suitable for swimming pools?
Akemi Marble Silicone.
Within which temperature range AKEMI sealants can be worked with?
Range of +5 up to +40°C.
Which of the sealants is suitable for aquariums?
Food Safe silicone.
Is AKEMI Universal Smoothing Agent also suitable for natural stone?
Yes, it is - but surplus universal smoothing agent must be removed quickly.
Silicone joints or impregnation: What first?
Please read the full article on this subject here >>
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